‘Feoría general de las cuevas’ (esp).

Commisioned essay for Pensamiento Tropical / Ediciones STL, Puerto Rico. June 2023.

Profoundly Profane, Jackal Elation, and Other Ruined Ruminations (eng).

(w/ Melinda Guillén).

Published by DXIX Projects, 2017.

On the Gaze in the Era of Visual Salamis (eng).

Published by Rhizome Journal, 2016.

Gases nobles, notas para un desmantelamiento (esp).

Published by La Raya Verde, 2014.

We Keep in Touch (eng).

(w/ Nathalie Hartjes).

Published by Ortomática, 2013.

Correspondence from Eyjafjallajökull: Mountain-Island-Glacier (eng).

Published by Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin, in collaboration with Ortomática, Madrid 2011.

Edit This Edit with Visual Composer

April 8, 2021